The Seminar is typically given over two hours on a Friday night and six hours on a Saturday at your Parish. There is no cost, all materials are supplied and there are many spiritual blessings that will follow.

If you are considering or interested in arranging a free two-part Seminar of Hope in your Parish, please contact Vernon Robertson for an initial, no-obligation discussion. Some of the questions for you to consider as part of your preparation are:
- Have you spoken with your Pastor and is he supportive?
- How many families (approximately) are in the Parish?
- How many surrounding Parishes are there that could also be invited?
We can provide you with 'ready to go' posters and promotional material (at no cost to your Parish) to support your seminar. All you have to do is promote this event in your Parish and invite as many people as you can. Sample documents are shown below:
- Detailed outline of Seminar topics
- Sample prayer for the success of the seminar (download Word file)
- Sample bulletin announcement (download Word file)
- Sample poster
- Sample flyer
- Sample promotion slide (download PowerPoint file)
- Sample letter from Pastor to surrounding Parishes
- Sample article for your Diocese newsletter (download Word file)
- Registration sign-in sheets
- Evaluation sheet